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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Breeze Card Grumblings...

In the AJC's Sunday Vent:

Starting May 1, MARTA's new Breeze Card is going to cost $5 on top of the regular fare. They should at least be honest and call it the Squeeze Card.

- Very clever, and So true, so true. But just remember this was the entire reason for the gates and the cards in the first place. Track people and suck up the non-regular riders. Anyone who sounds suprised or complains hasn't been paying attention and doesn't ride MARTA. I say yay for taxing the non-users. The regulars and even the 'newbs' already have their free breeze cards in their wallet.


more venting...

Monday, 3/23: "Five bucks for a Breeze card that supposedly lasts five years? Puh-leeze! After only 10 days, mine got a small nick on its bottom edge and quit working."

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